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Auto - Seite - News ! VAS is in great demand in the Asian cement industry

Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch, dem 27. März 2013 von

Auto Infos Industrial Applications & Services expands team at FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia

IEEE 2013, Orlando Florida, 14 to 18 April 2013 - Stand 930-932

Ulm, 25 March 2013. After FRITZ & MACZIOL was awarded the order to implement VAS, the logistics solution for the cement and bulk goods industry, in five HOLCIM Philippines plants last summer, another order has been received in Indonesia. VAS is to be introduced at the newly constructed HOLCIM plant Tuban this year. Further orders in Indonesia, Thailand and also in Myanmar - previously Burma, which only opened up economically in 2011 - are on the horizon. Because of this strong demand, the Industrial Applications & Services Division has now decided to set up a separate team at FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia in Manila. Initially with two developers and a technical sales employee, customers in future will be looked after directly on site. In addition, the employees in Manila can also provide 24-hour support for European VAS users. "Because of the construction boom, a large number of new plants are currently being built in Asia on 'green field sites'. From the very start, the processes here are designed such that with IT support they can be automated as much as possible. Of course, VAS offers the ideal support here," explains Markus Lanz, Vice President of the Industrial Applications & Services Division at FRITZ & MACZIOL excitedly.

Apart from the process automation, integration into the central SAP system of the HOLCIM Group also plays an important role in the HOLCIM plant Tuban project in Indonesia. FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia is working closely here with the SAP Competence Center in Bangkok, Thailand, with which we had already prepared the concept for connecting the plants in the Philippines. Another important aspect for the decision in Indonesia was the multilingualism of the system. "While an English-language version is installed in the Philippines, in Indonesia we will supply VAS in the national language Bahasa. We can supply the solution at any time with Thai or Burmese user interfaces as well. This is a central requirement in particular for customers in these countries," explains Markus Lanz.

About VAS
VAS - the process-oriented software solution for the basic materials industry - covers the entire process chain from delivery, through planning and loading to departure. VAS as the connector between the ERP systems and the technical systems is the key function and adjusting screw for an efficient process. In addition, VAS supports the reporting and provides real-time information to other systems, such as for production, sales or controlling. All technical third party systems, such as weighing, silo and dispensing technologies are fully integrated into the processes of the VAS logistics system. At present, VAS is used around the world in more than 130 plants in the basic materials industry.

Background information
The FRITZ & MACZIOL Group, with headquarters in Ulm, owns the companies FRITZ & MACZIOL Software und Computervertrieb GmbH, INFOMA® Software Consulting GmbH, FRITZ & MACZIOL Schweiz AG, NEO Business Partners GmbH, STAS GmbH, STAS Österreich GmbH, FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia Inc. and IT&T AG. With around 1000 employees at present at 22 locations and six service locations around the world, in 2011 the Group had total sales of more than Euro 280 million.

The FRITZ & MACZIOL Group has positioned itself globally in Germany and Switzerland with FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia Inc. and service offices in various countries. Both a specialist and a generalist, the Group acts as a system and consultancy company, providing a holistic portfolio of hardware, software, services and consulting in selected areas. The companies of the FRITZ & MACZIOL Group develop and sell software and system solutions for public clients, medium-sized and large companies. The group of companies if a top partner to IBM, Microsoft and SAP, as well as EMC and Cisco with the highest certifications and provides customers with the full range of relevant IT subjects based on the latest technologies of these global market leaders and additional manufacturers. As part of the Dutch technology group Imtech N.V., the system and consultancy company also uses European synergies within the Imtech ICT Division and as a cooperation partner to other divisions, for example the German Imtech in the area of Data Center.
FRITZ & MACZIOL Software und Computervertrieb GmbH
Francesca Herbstleb
Hörvelsinger Weg 17-21
89081 Ulm
+49 (0) 731 / 1551-655

Press´n´Relations GmbH
Uwe Pagel
Magirusstr. 33
89077 Ulm
0731 962 87-29

(Weitere interessante Thailand News, Thailand Infos & Thailand Tipps können Sie auch hier auf diesem Web nachlesen.)

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Industrial Applications & Services expands team at FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia

IEEE 2013, Orlando Florida, 14 to 18 April 2013 - Stand 930-932

Ulm, 25 March 2013. After FRITZ & MACZIOL was awarded the order to implement VAS, the logistics solution for the cement and bulk goods industry, in five HOLCIM Philippines plants last summer, another order has been received in Indonesia. VAS is to be introduced at the newly constructed HOLCIM plant Tuban this year. Further orders in Indonesia, Thailand and also in Myanmar - previously Burma, which only opened up economically in 2011 - are on the horizon. Because of this strong demand, the Industrial Applications & Services Division has now decided to set up a separate team at FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia in Manila. Initially with two developers and a technical sales employee, customers in future will be looked after directly on site. In addition, the employees in Manila can also provide 24-hour support for European VAS users. "Because of the construction boom, a large number of new plants are currently being built in Asia on 'green field sites'. From the very start, the processes here are designed such that with IT support they can be automated as much as possible. Of course, VAS offers the ideal support here," explains Markus Lanz, Vice President of the Industrial Applications & Services Division at FRITZ & MACZIOL excitedly.

Apart from the process automation, integration into the central SAP system of the HOLCIM Group also plays an important role in the HOLCIM plant Tuban project in Indonesia. FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia is working closely here with the SAP Competence Center in Bangkok, Thailand, with which we had already prepared the concept for connecting the plants in the Philippines. Another important aspect for the decision in Indonesia was the multilingualism of the system. "While an English-language version is installed in the Philippines, in Indonesia we will supply VAS in the national language Bahasa. We can supply the solution at any time with Thai or Burmese user interfaces as well. This is a central requirement in particular for customers in these countries," explains Markus Lanz.

About VAS
VAS - the process-oriented software solution for the basic materials industry - covers the entire process chain from delivery, through planning and loading to departure. VAS as the connector between the ERP systems and the technical systems is the key function and adjusting screw for an efficient process. In addition, VAS supports the reporting and provides real-time information to other systems, such as for production, sales or controlling. All technical third party systems, such as weighing, silo and dispensing technologies are fully integrated into the processes of the VAS logistics system. At present, VAS is used around the world in more than 130 plants in the basic materials industry.

Background information
The FRITZ & MACZIOL Group, with headquarters in Ulm, owns the companies FRITZ & MACZIOL Software und Computervertrieb GmbH, INFOMA® Software Consulting GmbH, FRITZ & MACZIOL Schweiz AG, NEO Business Partners GmbH, STAS GmbH, STAS Österreich GmbH, FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia Inc. and IT&T AG. With around 1000 employees at present at 22 locations and six service locations around the world, in 2011 the Group had total sales of more than Euro 280 million.

The FRITZ & MACZIOL Group has positioned itself globally in Germany and Switzerland with FRITZ & MACZIOL Asia Inc. and service offices in various countries. Both a specialist and a generalist, the Group acts as a system and consultancy company, providing a holistic portfolio of hardware, software, services and consulting in selected areas. The companies of the FRITZ & MACZIOL Group develop and sell software and system solutions for public clients, medium-sized and large companies. The group of companies if a top partner to IBM, Microsoft and SAP, as well as EMC and Cisco with the highest certifications and provides customers with the full range of relevant IT subjects based on the latest technologies of these global market leaders and additional manufacturers. As part of the Dutch technology group Imtech N.V., the system and consultancy company also uses European synergies within the Imtech ICT Division and as a cooperation partner to other divisions, for example the German Imtech in the area of Data Center.
FRITZ & MACZIOL Software und Computervertrieb GmbH
Francesca Herbstleb
Hörvelsinger Weg 17-21
89081 Ulm
+49 (0) 731 / 1551-655

Press´n´Relations GmbH
Uwe Pagel
Magirusstr. 33
89077 Ulm
0731 962 87-29

(Weitere interessante Thailand News, Thailand Infos & Thailand Tipps können Sie auch hier auf diesem Web nachlesen.)

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VAS is in great demand in the Asian cement industry

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