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Auto - Seite - News ! 3 Ways MLB Can Knock It Out Of The Diversity Park

Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch, dem 04. Oktober 2017 von

Auto Infos

"Do It Again?

?Hat cocked, can?t see his eyes, who could it be? With that new blue Yankee On, who but me?? ? Jay-Z


3 Ways MLB Can Knock It Out Of The Diversity Park 


Let?s start our story with?

?the Yankees, ?winningest? team in Major League Baseball (MLB) .  Next, top rapper and mogul Jay-Z lauding the Yankees praises in song after song, unofficially pitching their product to America and Americans for years.  Click back to 7 years ago, where Jay-Z inked a co-merchandising deal with MLB, building an empire while sealing a place in the retail history Hall of Fame!  This is Jay-Z, his presence is electric, exciting crowds worldwide, so much so even his ?haters? have to admire not only his lyrical hustle and diversity of style, but even more his business savvy.  Flowing directly from Roc-Nation came his newest creation, ARRIVE to assist startup businesses with early stage capital (hold that thought)?


?early the ROC started out as coal, now the ROC is diamonds sold?- me


Obviously the rap game is not for me (sigh?my mom held out so much hope?)

Back to baseball, Americäs pastime, with MLB as the gatekeeper.  MLB is no slouch!  To partner with them in any way is life changing as Jay-Z experienced.  Companies like Anomaly, which prides itself as one of the largest Marketing conglomerates in the world, have done so with much success and against many obstacles.

What is the Common Thread? 

Achievable success and overcoming obstacles! Jay-Z and Anomaly each have partnered with MLB to achieve business success yet, there is another partner looming on the horizon?

?but success is fleeting, elusive, the bullseye is ever changing.  MLB knows that well enough.  In 1947 the color barrier in baseball was broken and soon thereafter the percentage of players on baseball teams that were African American exceeded the national average of African Americans in the general US population.  A major achievement.  Today, 70 years later those numbers have come full circle on the playing field.  Some estimations have as low as only 7.7 % of African Americans on the playing field in the 2017 campaign!  For all of MLB?s great strides in diversity employment, supplier relations and advancing people of color OFF the field, much work has to be done ON the field and IN the stands. 


?when Jay-Z sits in the stands what does he see?, does he see someone colored like he?? - me


Okay, okay I know when to stop? (sorry mom, I will keep my day job)

MLB ?on the field? is a management issue that can be resolved through awareness, guidance and existing processes already in place in the front office. 

MLB ?IN THE STANDS? is another matter entirely.  Really, when Jay-Z sits in the stands at MLB sanctioned games and looks around, who does he see?  Much has been studied and data crunched to come to some very simple conclusions, but the hardest hitting evidence as to what MLB should do is outlined in the following video, a candid, organic conversation to an untargeted, untapped sector of the population:


5 Women In Philly Talk Baseball On Google Hangouts


What is Needed for Diversity & Inclusion?

A targeted, cohesive, league-wide, approach that is long-term.  It would include a business model change that is scalable, sustainable, serviceable and portable.  It HAS to encompass the following:

Create socially and emotionally engaging content to warmly welcome Women, diverse families, and millennials to games ? everyone LOVES an invitation, especially to a good time!

Satisfy Corporate Social Responsibility objectives - delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all targeted groups to show they care!

Imprint MLB initiatives with targeted visual content

?and look cool doing it so others involve themselves!

?Numbers don?t lie check the scoreboard? ? Jay-Z

Let?s run the numbers!


Major League Baseball Independent Survey Numbers


Definitely, the problem is real because the solution at first glance was not so obvious!  From insider information I learned there are talks at MLB where they are engaging the Team at Making A Village (M.A.V.) to provide solutions for these issues and more.  With numbers like this the M.A.V. Team should easily hit one out of the park!  The research was fact checked and revealed a target market that could easily put seats in the stands.   Moreover it would answer the bell in the community and enhance MLB?s image substantially within diversity and inclusion objectives. 

Curiosity lead me to research M.A.V. a little closer which revealed their plans to talk directly with Anomaly and its CMO, Eric Damassa about creating a solution for MLB.  This would include working with Anomaly?s Production Team for online and network broadcast TV content.  There is even a VR/MR technology app that is in early stage prototype creation.  Furthermore, the preeminent plan is to engage SPELMAN College to initiate the build of the front end of the application.  This would convincingly reinforcing their inclusive collegiate outreach.  In addition, some of their other thoughts were to contact the CMO of the NBA, Pam El, COMCASTVENTURES Kai Bond & Gil Beyda, IBM Watson and others.  This looks like a rally for M.A.V. and consequently a win for MLB or any of those partnering with them.


?Now, can I get an encore? Do you want more?  Cookin' raw with the Brooklyn boy? ? Jay-Z

Sign up for our newsletter to see in the next article what Making A Village (M.A.V.) has for an Encore.


Please contact Making A Village at Info@Mav.Global or their website at http://www.MAV.Global
MAV (Making A Village) ? Overview
From Our ?Communal Thought Process?, Making A Village (MAV Global), chronicles the endeavors of urban community developers who are socially responsible in there revitalizing their neighborhoods.  Revitalizing our cities is more than renovating houses ? it?s about revitalizing our soul, our public consciousness, about rebuilding our communities. In our hearts we and many more like us pursue these endeavors, but the journey to transformation is a long and winding road with many twists and turns.  
These are our stories?
MAV (Making A Village) ? The Show
The Show, a cornerstone network TV property, from MAV Global is constructed as a home improvement show that features recording music artists, entertainers, and/or athletes.  In this self contained concept, each week features a different part of the design and build phase leading up to the big reveal at the end of the season.  This will feature a block party where music artists will perform in honor of the communities coming together.  In the midst of the season the music artist(s) will be included to give input or to help assist in the design or build phase.  What is the objective?  To have them learn something new about the artist which has never been revealed.  The show follows a minimum of 3 different community developers through their daily lives as they attempt to renovate their prospective communities and give back in a big way.
Please join us?
MAV Global
Wayne Smith
405 W 34th St 0000
19802 Wilmington

(Weitere interessante Casting / Contest News, Infos & Tipps gibt es hier.)

Zitiert aus der Veröffentlichung des Autors >> PR-Gateway << auf Haftungsausschluss: / dieses News-Portal distanzieren sich von dem Inhalt der News / Pressemitteilung und machen sich den Inhalt nicht zu eigen!


"Do It Again?

?Hat cocked, can?t see his eyes, who could it be? With that new blue Yankee On, who but me?? ? Jay-Z


3 Ways MLB Can Knock It Out Of The Diversity Park 


Let?s start our story with?

?the Yankees, ?winningest? team in Major League Baseball (MLB) .  Next, top rapper and mogul Jay-Z lauding the Yankees praises in song after song, unofficially pitching their product to America and Americans for years.  Click back to 7 years ago, where Jay-Z inked a co-merchandising deal with MLB, building an empire while sealing a place in the retail history Hall of Fame!  This is Jay-Z, his presence is electric, exciting crowds worldwide, so much so even his ?haters? have to admire not only his lyrical hustle and diversity of style, but even more his business savvy.  Flowing directly from Roc-Nation came his newest creation, ARRIVE to assist startup businesses with early stage capital (hold that thought)?


?early the ROC started out as coal, now the ROC is diamonds sold?- me


Obviously the rap game is not for me (sigh?my mom held out so much hope?)

Back to baseball, Americäs pastime, with MLB as the gatekeeper.  MLB is no slouch!  To partner with them in any way is life changing as Jay-Z experienced.  Companies like Anomaly, which prides itself as one of the largest Marketing conglomerates in the world, have done so with much success and against many obstacles.

What is the Common Thread? 

Achievable success and overcoming obstacles! Jay-Z and Anomaly each have partnered with MLB to achieve business success yet, there is another partner looming on the horizon?

?but success is fleeting, elusive, the bullseye is ever changing.  MLB knows that well enough.  In 1947 the color barrier in baseball was broken and soon thereafter the percentage of players on baseball teams that were African American exceeded the national average of African Americans in the general US population.  A major achievement.  Today, 70 years later those numbers have come full circle on the playing field.  Some estimations have as low as only 7.7 % of African Americans on the playing field in the 2017 campaign!  For all of MLB?s great strides in diversity employment, supplier relations and advancing people of color OFF the field, much work has to be done ON the field and IN the stands. 


?when Jay-Z sits in the stands what does he see?, does he see someone colored like he?? - me


Okay, okay I know when to stop? (sorry mom, I will keep my day job)

MLB ?on the field? is a management issue that can be resolved through awareness, guidance and existing processes already in place in the front office. 

MLB ?IN THE STANDS? is another matter entirely.  Really, when Jay-Z sits in the stands at MLB sanctioned games and looks around, who does he see?  Much has been studied and data crunched to come to some very simple conclusions, but the hardest hitting evidence as to what MLB should do is outlined in the following video, a candid, organic conversation to an untargeted, untapped sector of the population:


5 Women In Philly Talk Baseball On Google Hangouts


What is Needed for Diversity & Inclusion?

A targeted, cohesive, league-wide, approach that is long-term.  It would include a business model change that is scalable, sustainable, serviceable and portable.  It HAS to encompass the following:

Create socially and emotionally engaging content to warmly welcome Women, diverse families, and millennials to games ? everyone LOVES an invitation, especially to a good time!

Satisfy Corporate Social Responsibility objectives - delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all targeted groups to show they care!

Imprint MLB initiatives with targeted visual content

?and look cool doing it so others involve themselves!

?Numbers don?t lie check the scoreboard? ? Jay-Z

Let?s run the numbers!


Major League Baseball Independent Survey Numbers


Definitely, the problem is real because the solution at first glance was not so obvious!  From insider information I learned there are talks at MLB where they are engaging the Team at Making A Village (M.A.V.) to provide solutions for these issues and more.  With numbers like this the M.A.V. Team should easily hit one out of the park!  The research was fact checked and revealed a target market that could easily put seats in the stands.   Moreover it would answer the bell in the community and enhance MLB?s image substantially within diversity and inclusion objectives. 

Curiosity lead me to research M.A.V. a little closer which revealed their plans to talk directly with Anomaly and its CMO, Eric Damassa about creating a solution for MLB.  This would include working with Anomaly?s Production Team for online and network broadcast TV content.  There is even a VR/MR technology app that is in early stage prototype creation.  Furthermore, the preeminent plan is to engage SPELMAN College to initiate the build of the front end of the application.  This would convincingly reinforcing their inclusive collegiate outreach.  In addition, some of their other thoughts were to contact the CMO of the NBA, Pam El, COMCASTVENTURES Kai Bond & Gil Beyda, IBM Watson and others.  This looks like a rally for M.A.V. and consequently a win for MLB or any of those partnering with them.


?Now, can I get an encore? Do you want more?  Cookin' raw with the Brooklyn boy? ? Jay-Z

Sign up for our newsletter to see in the next article what Making A Village (M.A.V.) has for an Encore.


Please contact Making A Village at Info@Mav.Global or their website at http://www.MAV.Global
MAV (Making A Village) ? Overview
From Our ?Communal Thought Process?, Making A Village (MAV Global), chronicles the endeavors of urban community developers who are socially responsible in there revitalizing their neighborhoods.  Revitalizing our cities is more than renovating houses ? it?s about revitalizing our soul, our public consciousness, about rebuilding our communities. In our hearts we and many more like us pursue these endeavors, but the journey to transformation is a long and winding road with many twists and turns.  
These are our stories?
MAV (Making A Village) ? The Show
The Show, a cornerstone network TV property, from MAV Global is constructed as a home improvement show that features recording music artists, entertainers, and/or athletes.  In this self contained concept, each week features a different part of the design and build phase leading up to the big reveal at the end of the season.  This will feature a block party where music artists will perform in honor of the communities coming together.  In the midst of the season the music artist(s) will be included to give input or to help assist in the design or build phase.  What is the objective?  To have them learn something new about the artist which has never been revealed.  The show follows a minimum of 3 different community developers through their daily lives as they attempt to renovate their prospective communities and give back in a big way.
Please join us?
MAV Global
Wayne Smith
405 W 34th St 0000
19802 Wilmington

(Weitere interessante Casting / Contest News, Infos & Tipps gibt es hier.)

Zitiert aus der Veröffentlichung des Autors >> PR-Gateway << auf Haftungsausschluss: / dieses News-Portal distanzieren sich von dem Inhalt der News / Pressemitteilung und machen sich den Inhalt nicht zu eigen!

Für die Inhalte dieser Veröffentlichung ist nicht als News-Portal sondern ausschließlich der Autor (PR-Gateway) verantwortlich (siehe AGB). Haftungsausschluss: distanziert sich von dem Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung (News / Pressemitteilung inklusive etwaiger Bilder) und macht sich diesen demzufolge auch nicht zu Eigen!

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