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Auto - Seite - News ! Enjoy your vacation at the Stroblhof – your hotel in St. Leonard

Veröffentlicht am Sonntag, dem 25. Februar 2018 von

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Josie_123: Become active in your hotel in val passiria
The mountains and nature around the hotel in St. Leonard offers a great range of different possibilities to engage physically and culturally during your vacation. Now in winter, the snowy landscapes invite you to enjoy a long walk in nature and to benefit from the fresh and clear mountain air. More than that, the hotel offers a different range of activities for every day. While you might like visiting a museum one day, you can enjoy an intensive fitness work-out on other days.
Sleep comfortably during your vacation in the val passiria hotel
The rooms and suites in the hotel in St. Leonard are designed to accommodate every guest well while enjoying their holiday. More so, the rooms are spacious and comfortable and make sure that you feel like home at all times. Romantic nights are guaranteed in these rooms and suites by offering luxury furniture and atmosphere. If you travel with your family or partner, you can also book one of the many apartments, which are equipped with an extra kitchen and bathroom.
Delicious food in your hotel in St. Leonard
Love for good food is what makes eating in the val passiria hotel so delicious and an event every day. Start your day right with a grant breakfast with freshly baked bread, home-mace jams, delicious juices, freshly brewed coffee and a lot more to discover. Every afternoon guests can enjoy a large selection of cakes, soups, ice-cream and of course coffee and fresh tea. End your day delicious with a 5-course-menu with Mediterranean and regional specialities.
You can find more information here:

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Zitiert aus der Veröffentlichung des Autors >> Josie_123 << auf Haftungsausschluss: / dieses News-Portal distanzieren sich von dem Inhalt der News / Pressemitteilung und machen sich den Inhalt nicht zu eigen!

Become active in your hotel in val passiria
The mountains and nature around the hotel in St. Leonard offers a great range of different possibilities to engage physically and culturally during your vacation. Now in winter, the snowy landscapes invite you to enjoy a long walk in nature and to benefit from the fresh and clear mountain air. More than that, the hotel offers a different range of activities for every day. While you might like visiting a museum one day, you can enjoy an intensive fitness work-out on other days.
Sleep comfortably during your vacation in the val passiria hotel
The rooms and suites in the hotel in St. Leonard are designed to accommodate every guest well while enjoying their holiday. More so, the rooms are spacious and comfortable and make sure that you feel like home at all times. Romantic nights are guaranteed in these rooms and suites by offering luxury furniture and atmosphere. If you travel with your family or partner, you can also book one of the many apartments, which are equipped with an extra kitchen and bathroom.
Delicious food in your hotel in St. Leonard
Love for good food is what makes eating in the val passiria hotel so delicious and an event every day. Start your day right with a grant breakfast with freshly baked bread, home-mace jams, delicious juices, freshly brewed coffee and a lot more to discover. Every afternoon guests can enjoy a large selection of cakes, soups, ice-cream and of course coffee and fresh tea. End your day delicious with a 5-course-menu with Mediterranean and regional specialities.
You can find more information here:

(Weitere interessante Event News & Event Infos & Event Tipps gibt es hier.)

Zitiert aus der Veröffentlichung des Autors >> Josie_123 << auf Haftungsausschluss: / dieses News-Portal distanzieren sich von dem Inhalt der News / Pressemitteilung und machen sich den Inhalt nicht zu eigen!

Für die Inhalte dieser Veröffentlichung ist nicht als News-Portal sondern ausschließlich der Autor (Josie_123) verantwortlich (siehe AGB). Haftungsausschluss: distanziert sich von dem Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung (News / Pressemitteilung inklusive etwaiger Bilder) und macht sich diesen demzufolge auch nicht zu Eigen!

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Enjoy your vacation at the Stroblhof – your hotel in St. Leonard

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