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Auto - Seite - News ! ''115 years of HHL - 11+5 HHL faces'' portraits Fundiswa Ndaba

Veröffentlicht am Sonntag, dem 21. April 2013 von

Auto Infos HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, the first business school established in Germany, celebrates its 115th anniversary this year. The institution was founded in the Auditorium Maximum of Leipzig University on April 25, 1898, to train young merchants seeking to lead large companies in an appropriate manner. After World War II, it was absorbed into Leipzig University: in 1969, the GDR opened a business school with a focus on domestic trade. In 1992, today's HHL was re-established as a private university by the Leipzig Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Association of Friends of HHL.

Teaching all its programs in English, HHL has been one of the trailblazers in Germany since the mid-1990s. Long before the financial crisis, HHL was one of the first business schools to focus on the conditions for responsible and sustainable leadership.
HHL now responds to the new challenges of leadership in the 21st century through its innovate125 Future Concept, keeping in tune with a holistic approach and expanding the dimensions of effectiveness and responsibility, aided by the perspective of innovation.

On the occasion of the 115th anniversary of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, the school publishes the "11+5 HHL faces? series introducing personalities connected with HHL.

*** Fundiswa Ndaba (*1984)

Fundiswa Ndaba recently joined HHL's Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) as a Research Assistant. She and her colleague, Vietnamese Linh Nguyen, have both received scholarships from the Friede Springer Foundation. HHL is glad to have this foundation support the establishment of the research school at CASiM.

CASiM is an interdisciplinary international research center at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, focusing on "business administration for the 21st century?. Within the four main topics of CASiM, "The Role of Trust in Firms and with its Stakeholders?, "Change Management in Firms and Markets?, "Health Care Economics and Management of Health Care Institutions? and "Urban Dynamics: Cities and Firms in Global Competition?, the combined knowledge from the different subdisciplines of business administration and economics will be applied.

The given name of Ms. Ndaba, Fundiswa, is a word in isiXhosa that means "Learned", it seems this young lady is following her name. In 2012, she completed a Master's in Business Administration focusing on Small Enterprise Promotion and Training at the University of Leipzig. She also holds a Bachelor's with Honours in Strategic Cost Management as well as a Bachelor's in Financial Accounting both from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Her career began in 2005 as a Management Accountant at Eskom, the state-owned electricity producer. In 2007, she changed careers working as an Equities Trader for Coronation Fund Managers. Ambitious and determined to change and improve the socio-economic position of South Africans, she relocated to Johannesburg in 2008 and began her career as a Change Agent consulting to blue chip companies and government on Strategic Transformational Policy Development and Implementation. At CASIM, her research will focus on Change Management and its effects on firms and markets.

Having left South Africa, its diverse and cheerful people, the sun, and the oceans more than two years ago to live, study and experience Europe through Leipzig, Germany, she has found a second home. Even though there are many contrasts, the similarities are more profound. In South Africa everyone loves a good braai, in Leipzig the parks are buzzing with people simply enjoying a barbeque. Leipzig hosts various festivals all year round from the gothic festival full of cheerful people dressed in the strangest outfits to the gorgeous Christmas market. The first white Christmas, with real snow was a phenomenal experience. All in all, the greatest experience for Fundiswa Ndaba in Germany and Europe as a whole is the efficiency of the transport system. Being able to ride a bike to school, or take a tram to the city center or hop on a train going from one country to another is something she'd love to replicate back home.

*** HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

HHL is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international Business Schools. The goal of the longest standing business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurially minded leaders. In addition to HHL's international focus the combination of theory and practice plays a key role. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services. The school offers an 24-month full-time als well as part-time Master program in Management leading to the degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) and also an 18 month Global Executive MBA.HHL's program is complemented by the two-year Euro*MBA-Program, a program based on e-learning (electronically supported learning). A three-year doctoral program, which can be studied part-time as well, completes HHL's courses of study. The department of Executive Education offers company specific and open training programs for advanced education for specialist and leading positions. HHL received the accreditation of AACSB International in April 2004 and was the first German private school to be re-accredited in April 2009.

Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59

04109 Leipzig

Telefon: 0341-9851-614

Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59

04109 Leipzig

Telefon: 0341-9851-614

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HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, the first business school established in Germany, celebrates its 115th anniversary this year. The institution was founded in the Auditorium Maximum of Leipzig University on April 25, 1898, to train young merchants seeking to lead large companies in an appropriate manner. After World War II, it was absorbed into Leipzig University: in 1969, the GDR opened a business school with a focus on domestic trade. In 1992, today's HHL was re-established as a private university by the Leipzig Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Association of Friends of HHL.

Teaching all its programs in English, HHL has been one of the trailblazers in Germany since the mid-1990s. Long before the financial crisis, HHL was one of the first business schools to focus on the conditions for responsible and sustainable leadership.
HHL now responds to the new challenges of leadership in the 21st century through its innovate125 Future Concept, keeping in tune with a holistic approach and expanding the dimensions of effectiveness and responsibility, aided by the perspective of innovation.

On the occasion of the 115th anniversary of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, the school publishes the "11+5 HHL faces? series introducing personalities connected with HHL.

*** Fundiswa Ndaba (*1984)

Fundiswa Ndaba recently joined HHL's Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) as a Research Assistant. She and her colleague, Vietnamese Linh Nguyen, have both received scholarships from the Friede Springer Foundation. HHL is glad to have this foundation support the establishment of the research school at CASiM.

CASiM is an interdisciplinary international research center at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, focusing on "business administration for the 21st century?. Within the four main topics of CASiM, "The Role of Trust in Firms and with its Stakeholders?, "Change Management in Firms and Markets?, "Health Care Economics and Management of Health Care Institutions? and "Urban Dynamics: Cities and Firms in Global Competition?, the combined knowledge from the different subdisciplines of business administration and economics will be applied.

The given name of Ms. Ndaba, Fundiswa, is a word in isiXhosa that means "Learned", it seems this young lady is following her name. In 2012, she completed a Master's in Business Administration focusing on Small Enterprise Promotion and Training at the University of Leipzig. She also holds a Bachelor's with Honours in Strategic Cost Management as well as a Bachelor's in Financial Accounting both from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Her career began in 2005 as a Management Accountant at Eskom, the state-owned electricity producer. In 2007, she changed careers working as an Equities Trader for Coronation Fund Managers. Ambitious and determined to change and improve the socio-economic position of South Africans, she relocated to Johannesburg in 2008 and began her career as a Change Agent consulting to blue chip companies and government on Strategic Transformational Policy Development and Implementation. At CASIM, her research will focus on Change Management and its effects on firms and markets.

Having left South Africa, its diverse and cheerful people, the sun, and the oceans more than two years ago to live, study and experience Europe through Leipzig, Germany, she has found a second home. Even though there are many contrasts, the similarities are more profound. In South Africa everyone loves a good braai, in Leipzig the parks are buzzing with people simply enjoying a barbeque. Leipzig hosts various festivals all year round from the gothic festival full of cheerful people dressed in the strangest outfits to the gorgeous Christmas market. The first white Christmas, with real snow was a phenomenal experience. All in all, the greatest experience for Fundiswa Ndaba in Germany and Europe as a whole is the efficiency of the transport system. Being able to ride a bike to school, or take a tram to the city center or hop on a train going from one country to another is something she'd love to replicate back home.

*** HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

HHL is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international Business Schools. The goal of the longest standing business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurially minded leaders. In addition to HHL's international focus the combination of theory and practice plays a key role. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services. The school offers an 24-month full-time als well as part-time Master program in Management leading to the degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) and also an 18 month Global Executive MBA.HHL's program is complemented by the two-year Euro*MBA-Program, a program based on e-learning (electronically supported learning). A three-year doctoral program, which can be studied part-time as well, completes HHL's courses of study. The department of Executive Education offers company specific and open training programs for advanced education for specialist and leading positions. HHL received the accreditation of AACSB International in April 2004 and was the first German private school to be re-accredited in April 2009.

Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59

04109 Leipzig

Telefon: 0341-9851-614

Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59

04109 Leipzig

Telefon: 0341-9851-614

(Weitere interessante Vietnam News & Vietnam Infos können Sie auch >> hier << lesen.)

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