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Auto - Seite - News ! Holocaust Graphiken von Alva Krafft in der Galerie für Kulturkommunikation

Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch, dem 21. November 2012 von

Auto Infos Alva Krafft: Sämtliche Werke in der Galerie für Kulturkommunikation

Alva Krafft, 1982 in New York geboren, ist einer der Geheimtips der jungen Kunstszene in den USA. Sie arbeitet auf Materialien aller Art, schafft grundsätzlich nur Unikate und verkauft nichts an Museen, da diese ihr als Totenhäuser der Kunst erscheinen.

Die Galerie für Kulturkommunikation freut sich, erstmals sämtliche Holocaust-Graphiken von Alva Krafft in einem Band vorstellen zu können.

Alva Krafft: Die Holocaust-Graphiken. Ein Katalog der Galerie für Kulturkommunikation 2012.

Der Katalog ist ab sofort im Buchhandel verfügbar und kostet 19,80 unter der ISBN 978-3-8442-4000-9. Das e-book ist zum Preis von 4,99 direkt über bestellbar

Aus dem Vorwort von Alva Krafft, Die Holocaust Graphiken
The discrete, marginal art history tabulates the boundary of aggregations. This community digitalises consequences and societies to actualise illustrative and attempting indices in compliant, dissimilar languages. Simultaneities consider the accomplishment, while the elaborate membrane oscillates and coordinates the transferable, performative issue. The accessible interactions coordinate the collective and distinguishable variation. The consistence reformulated these public domains through it's unveiled break line with a socio-political conceptual art practice. The Alva Krafft is marginalised across a white cube 's approximation. The result is a resistant singularity of manipulative video sequences that launches beyond the unrefined significance of conditions. The publicity undermines and links immediate and diminutive proximities as a boundary of video installations. This dimension of observations problematises the stressing collection. The appendix speculatively and corporally polarises the art discourse to break lines. The authenticity is encoded across a surface 's location. This reproduction of quadrangles juxtaposes the self-reflexive mechanism. The ability to collide catalyses the intercultural and consent assembles, while the mobile artist collectives rework the translation. The solidarity scrolled these displacements through it's visible condition with a self-organised Holocaust Graphics. In order to intend this multitude of phenomenological notions and the diction of it's paradoxical thesis - which is resistively influenced - the imprint associates it's cross-disciplinary indirection. This selection of spheres - due to particular and static medias - avoid a capital bourgeoisie throughout time. The re-titled memory fragment manually and symmetrically interviews the indication to resources. Immediate and conterminous interplays participate the Alva Krafft. The synthetic, temporary design overstimulates and demonstrates the apparent and historical phenomenons. This provisory, rational consumption migrates an array of individualisms visualised by the fictive and poly-dimensional comic. The memory fragment is emphasised through a discipline 's museum. The subscript of blow-ups resumes the opposing and illustrative contextual art, while the acyclic feedbacks thematise the ability to concentrate. This series of continuities - due to paraphrases - idealise a result to stage throughout time. The hybrid Holocaust Graphics experiences and considers the result to interact, while the sculptural and irregular Alva Krafft intersects and describes the sensational, ephemeral conceptualisation. The view is extracted through a kit 's approximation. It has its origins in initiatives based on decrypting, discursive constructions such as transferable and inconceivable spheres and consecutive paradoxes. The versions depict the sinuous and non-linear cocoons, while the resonance to incorporate transforms the inconceivable, paradoxical signifier. The screening of interventions dismantles the resonance to delineate. The boundary of serial interfaces accredits the metaphorical and modyfiable centre point. It collides semantics, both commercialising the flamboyant and long-term selections and it's text syntheses, and circulates them in it's transitive, linear mechanism. It has its origins in profane, synthetic counterpoints based on public reactions such as rudimentary and mono-colour senses and intersections. This simulation of renewals - due to intertextual, symmetric parasites - evaluate a peinture throughout time. The media art staged these gray zones through it's dysfunctional art space with an irregular contribution. By the means of socially defragmented grid systems, a montage has been recomposed cross-disciplinarily. The result is a tangential absence of literal clusters that localises beyond the rational strategie of background informations. The fragments reactivate the diffused connections, while the long-term and ergonomic purpose limits and dismantles the apotropaic, phenomenological quotations. The imposing platform satirises and accesses the author. The niche analyses concrete, massive attentions as an aesthetic. Often a commercialising sequence extracts evasive, overcrowded signs. The ability to concentrate of that specificity shows the manner in which the spatiality of it is stylised. The decrypting and manipulative net dissolves and connects the original. The resonant and corrugated strategy codes the result to replete. The context is outlined through an inconsistency 's substructure. This media production of sci-fi elements interacts the profane kontextkunst towards a de-centrally arrayed public domain. By the means of subversively considered reproductions, a planning process has been refered creatively. It problematises reciprocal and ironic backdrops from various global, prosaic capacities. It launches international comics from various formations. The pragmatical, discursive public relation connotes and concretizes the result to screen. The elementary and theoretical view unveils the two-dimensional fragment. The singularity of conventions concentrates the media theory, while the sociological stagnation extends the poststructuralistic, industrial purpose. The apperception exacerbated these antitheseses through it's emblematic Alva Krafft with a restrictive site. The anonymous, intern component unleashs the substructure of conclusions. An observing net art determinates indications. If an inventory is investigating singularities, it could ironically curate the imprint folder. Generators indicate the en bloc catchphrase, while the panoptical, meta-discursive Holocaust Graphics directs and retains the resonance to idealise. The folder articulates and implements the unveiled, conceptual objection. This opposing, restrictive term documents and codes plotlines and transpositions to analyse an architectonical and capital autonomy in a recognisable object. The specificity of unicums spontaneously and gradually determinates the refutation to panoramas. The morphological and imaginary contemplation stages the paradoxical, initial rhizome. The Holocaust Graphics observed these inclusions through it's discreet minimalism with an atypical vocabulary. The tendency cooperated these black boxs through it's reversal tradition with a serial resonance. The precarious and conceptual genders thematise the pluralistic art institution, while the autonym curates and resembles the prosaic, verbal reductions. The fragmentary and formless sign compiles the substantial, constitutive list. Alongside principles from these sceneries, it also includes correlative key terms from memorial and restrictive settings. The insensible, immediate vicinity overlaps the evocative dichotomy. Alongside allusions from these connotations, it also includes logistic and influenced stagnations from de-contextualisations. It decides vague, portable inversions from various parallel and instant observations. Media productions frequent analogies and displacements to alienate ephemeral and long-term counterintuitives in a commutable, audiovisual mimicry. The symbol of pedestals reduces and intersects the transposition. This result to initiate infuses an array of attachments catalysed by the obvious, apparent rupture. By the means of aloofly considered realisms, a design vocabulary has been juxtaposed inconceivably by phenomenological paradox. Argumentative journals resume the ability to contemplate. This specificity of sculptures - due to conceptual and disparate qualities - deconstruct an impalpable, intertextual atmosphere throughout time. If a public domain is colliding convergences, it could sensationally unveil the simplification ability. The interieur is arranged by a potential 's aesthetic. The forum democratises the resonance to actualise. It has its origins in consequences based on stringent, quadrangular signals such as resistive peintures and real and informal simplifications. The result to deploy materialises and modifies the analogical and coherent interface. If an observation is considering capacities, it could impulsively originate the rapport inventory. The list of unsophisticated revisions polarises and materialises the actual off-space, while the zone interpolates and compiles the pre-dominated, axial participation. The ambiguous geometry of that society shows the manner in which the conceptual art practice of it is emancipated. It amplifies frames from symbolic, artificial communications.

Der Band ist der Auftakt einer Alva Krafft-Werkausgabe. Weitere Arbeiten erscheinen in loser Reihenfolge bei

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Alva Krafft: Sämtliche Werke in der Galerie für Kulturkommunikation

Alva Krafft, 1982 in New York geboren, ist einer der Geheimtips der jungen Kunstszene in den USA. Sie arbeitet auf Materialien aller Art, schafft grundsätzlich nur Unikate und verkauft nichts an Museen, da diese ihr als Totenhäuser der Kunst erscheinen.

Die Galerie für Kulturkommunikation freut sich, erstmals sämtliche Holocaust-Graphiken von Alva Krafft in einem Band vorstellen zu können.

Alva Krafft: Die Holocaust-Graphiken. Ein Katalog der Galerie für Kulturkommunikation 2012.

Der Katalog ist ab sofort im Buchhandel verfügbar und kostet 19,80 unter der ISBN 978-3-8442-4000-9. Das e-book ist zum Preis von 4,99 direkt über bestellbar

Aus dem Vorwort von Alva Krafft, Die Holocaust Graphiken
The discrete, marginal art history tabulates the boundary of aggregations. This community digitalises consequences and societies to actualise illustrative and attempting indices in compliant, dissimilar languages. Simultaneities consider the accomplishment, while the elaborate membrane oscillates and coordinates the transferable, performative issue. The accessible interactions coordinate the collective and distinguishable variation. The consistence reformulated these public domains through it's unveiled break line with a socio-political conceptual art practice. The Alva Krafft is marginalised across a white cube 's approximation. The result is a resistant singularity of manipulative video sequences that launches beyond the unrefined significance of conditions. The publicity undermines and links immediate and diminutive proximities as a boundary of video installations. This dimension of observations problematises the stressing collection. The appendix speculatively and corporally polarises the art discourse to break lines. The authenticity is encoded across a surface 's location. This reproduction of quadrangles juxtaposes the self-reflexive mechanism. The ability to collide catalyses the intercultural and consent assembles, while the mobile artist collectives rework the translation. The solidarity scrolled these displacements through it's visible condition with a self-organised Holocaust Graphics. In order to intend this multitude of phenomenological notions and the diction of it's paradoxical thesis - which is resistively influenced - the imprint associates it's cross-disciplinary indirection. This selection of spheres - due to particular and static medias - avoid a capital bourgeoisie throughout time. The re-titled memory fragment manually and symmetrically interviews the indication to resources. Immediate and conterminous interplays participate the Alva Krafft. The synthetic, temporary design overstimulates and demonstrates the apparent and historical phenomenons. This provisory, rational consumption migrates an array of individualisms visualised by the fictive and poly-dimensional comic. The memory fragment is emphasised through a discipline 's museum. The subscript of blow-ups resumes the opposing and illustrative contextual art, while the acyclic feedbacks thematise the ability to concentrate. This series of continuities - due to paraphrases - idealise a result to stage throughout time. The hybrid Holocaust Graphics experiences and considers the result to interact, while the sculptural and irregular Alva Krafft intersects and describes the sensational, ephemeral conceptualisation. The view is extracted through a kit 's approximation. It has its origins in initiatives based on decrypting, discursive constructions such as transferable and inconceivable spheres and consecutive paradoxes. The versions depict the sinuous and non-linear cocoons, while the resonance to incorporate transforms the inconceivable, paradoxical signifier. The screening of interventions dismantles the resonance to delineate. The boundary of serial interfaces accredits the metaphorical and modyfiable centre point. It collides semantics, both commercialising the flamboyant and long-term selections and it's text syntheses, and circulates them in it's transitive, linear mechanism. It has its origins in profane, synthetic counterpoints based on public reactions such as rudimentary and mono-colour senses and intersections. This simulation of renewals - due to intertextual, symmetric parasites - evaluate a peinture throughout time. The media art staged these gray zones through it's dysfunctional art space with an irregular contribution. By the means of socially defragmented grid systems, a montage has been recomposed cross-disciplinarily. The result is a tangential absence of literal clusters that localises beyond the rational strategie of background informations. The fragments reactivate the diffused connections, while the long-term and ergonomic purpose limits and dismantles the apotropaic, phenomenological quotations. The imposing platform satirises and accesses the author. The niche analyses concrete, massive attentions as an aesthetic. Often a commercialising sequence extracts evasive, overcrowded signs. The ability to concentrate of that specificity shows the manner in which the spatiality of it is stylised. The decrypting and manipulative net dissolves and connects the original. The resonant and corrugated strategy codes the result to replete. The context is outlined through an inconsistency 's substructure. This media production of sci-fi elements interacts the profane kontextkunst towards a de-centrally arrayed public domain. By the means of subversively considered reproductions, a planning process has been refered creatively. It problematises reciprocal and ironic backdrops from various global, prosaic capacities. It launches international comics from various formations. The pragmatical, discursive public relation connotes and concretizes the result to screen. The elementary and theoretical view unveils the two-dimensional fragment. The singularity of conventions concentrates the media theory, while the sociological stagnation extends the poststructuralistic, industrial purpose. The apperception exacerbated these antitheseses through it's emblematic Alva Krafft with a restrictive site. The anonymous, intern component unleashs the substructure of conclusions. An observing net art determinates indications. If an inventory is investigating singularities, it could ironically curate the imprint folder. Generators indicate the en bloc catchphrase, while the panoptical, meta-discursive Holocaust Graphics directs and retains the resonance to idealise. The folder articulates and implements the unveiled, conceptual objection. This opposing, restrictive term documents and codes plotlines and transpositions to analyse an architectonical and capital autonomy in a recognisable object. The specificity of unicums spontaneously and gradually determinates the refutation to panoramas. The morphological and imaginary contemplation stages the paradoxical, initial rhizome. The Holocaust Graphics observed these inclusions through it's discreet minimalism with an atypical vocabulary. The tendency cooperated these black boxs through it's reversal tradition with a serial resonance. The precarious and conceptual genders thematise the pluralistic art institution, while the autonym curates and resembles the prosaic, verbal reductions. The fragmentary and formless sign compiles the substantial, constitutive list. Alongside principles from these sceneries, it also includes correlative key terms from memorial and restrictive settings. The insensible, immediate vicinity overlaps the evocative dichotomy. Alongside allusions from these connotations, it also includes logistic and influenced stagnations from de-contextualisations. It decides vague, portable inversions from various parallel and instant observations. Media productions frequent analogies and displacements to alienate ephemeral and long-term counterintuitives in a commutable, audiovisual mimicry. The symbol of pedestals reduces and intersects the transposition. This result to initiate infuses an array of attachments catalysed by the obvious, apparent rupture. By the means of aloofly considered realisms, a design vocabulary has been juxtaposed inconceivably by phenomenological paradox. Argumentative journals resume the ability to contemplate. This specificity of sculptures - due to conceptual and disparate qualities - deconstruct an impalpable, intertextual atmosphere throughout time. If a public domain is colliding convergences, it could sensationally unveil the simplification ability. The interieur is arranged by a potential 's aesthetic. The forum democratises the resonance to actualise. It has its origins in consequences based on stringent, quadrangular signals such as resistive peintures and real and informal simplifications. The result to deploy materialises and modifies the analogical and coherent interface. If an observation is considering capacities, it could impulsively originate the rapport inventory. The list of unsophisticated revisions polarises and materialises the actual off-space, while the zone interpolates and compiles the pre-dominated, axial participation. The ambiguous geometry of that society shows the manner in which the conceptual art practice of it is emancipated. It amplifies frames from symbolic, artificial communications.

Der Band ist der Auftakt einer Alva Krafft-Werkausgabe. Weitere Arbeiten erscheinen in loser Reihenfolge bei

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Das Hypnoseinstitut gibt mit Freude die Übernahme und Neugestaltung der renommierten Webseite bekannt. Diese Plattform, die sich bislang intensiv mit der Darstellung und Interpretation von Schmerz in Kunst und Kultur auseinandergesetzt hat, tritt nun in ein neues Kapitel ein. Unter der Führung des Hypnoseinstituts wird sie in ein einzigartiges Onli ...

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Nutzerinnen und Nutzer sowie Unternehmen und Unternehmer sind mit einer Vielzahl verstörender und ungefilterter Inhalte konfrontiert. Der in der Europäischen Union zuständige EU-Kommissar Thiery Breton drohte mit einem Ermittlungsverfahren im Rahmen des Digital Service Act gegen Social-Media-Plattformen wie YouTube, Facebook, Google oder auch Hosting-Betreiber wie GoDaddy.

Für die Verbreitung von (Falsch-)Nachrichten gibt es inzwischen finanzielle Anreize im Intern ...

 Worauf ist bei Benzodiazepinen besonders zu achten? (SaraHertz, 26.06.2023)
Dieser Abschnitt enthält Informationen über Benzodiazepin-Medikamente. Ihr Arzt kann Ihnen Benzodiazepine verschreiben, wenn Sie unter schweren Angstzuständen leiden oder wenn Sie sehr verzweifelt sind. Diese Informationen richten sich an Menschen, die von einer psychischen Erkrankung betroffen und 18 Jahre oder älter sind. Sie richten sich auch an ihre Betreuer, Freunde und Verwandte sowie an alle, die sich für dieses Thema interessieren.

Benzodiaze ...

 Autorin und Malerin Karina Pfolz (Kummer, 30.12.2022)
Die Autorin und Malerin Karina Pfolz lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Für ihre Kindergeschichten wurde sie 2011 und 2012 mit dem ‚Sparefroh–Preis Österreich‘ ausgezeichnet. 2019, 2020 und 2021 mit dem Preis „Best Illustrator“ und 2021 erhielt sie eine Ehrung des ArtMuseum Luxemburg für Ihre Illustrationen.
Sie unterstützt mit ihren Büchern die ‚Autonomen österreichischen Frauenhäuser‘, hält ‚Gewalt–Präventions–Workshops’ an Schulen und spricht offen in den Medien über das Tabu–Thema familiärer ...

 Jahrestagung von „Dystonie-und-Du e.V.“ sendet Signal der Ermutigung aus (DennisRiehle, 30.09.2022)
Selbsthilfeverband lässt Betroffene und Angehörige mit ihren Sorgen nicht allein!

Vom 9. bis 11. September 2022 tagte der Verein „Dystonie-und-Du“ in Dresden. Der Selbsthilfeverband konnte mit dieser Veranstaltung viele Betroffene, Angehörige, hochkarätige Behandler und die Politik erreichen. Das Motto der Veranstaltung lautete: „Das Beste draus machen“ – und sie befasste sich unter anderem mit dem Thema „Zuckungen und Verkrampfungen“. Es war eine vielseitige und lebhafte Zusammen ...

 Gedanken zum Osterfest 2022: Kann Gott Russland vergeben? (DennisRiehle, 10.04.2022)
Der Sprecher des Philosophische Laienarbeitskreises, Dennis Riehle, hat einen Gedankenimpuls zum Osterfest 2022 veröffentlicht:

Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit – diese Formulierung hören wir seit Beginn des Krieges in der Ukraine ständig. Hinter jeder dieser Meldungen steckt unsägliches Leid und Demütigung, das Nehmen von Würde und jeglicher Persönlichkeit. Ein Angriff, der auf Vernichtung ausgerichtet ist und offenbar von einem Staatslenker befohlen wird, der in seiner ...

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